Fund Raising

Dreaming of Starting a New Business,
The Sky is
the Limit!

In a country like India where the younger population thrives, every aspiring young entrepreneur must have dreamt of starting their dream business at least once in their lives.

At Public Media Solution, we aim to not let these dreams die and give them wings to get the traction they deserve! Now that you are here, you can rest assured that we will help you start your dream business in the most sustainable way possible.

Seed Funding Problems In India

Seed Funding Problems In India

India is a country of dreamers! All of us want to establish a business that we've always dreamt of and hold its reins to climb all the way to the top. However, the practicality of Starting up a business is not as dreamy as fantasizing about it is. When it comes to getting seed funding for startups in India, aspiring businesses face a plethora of challenges in going on floors and moving to the Series

A stage of funding. The biggest problem encountered by aspiring entrepreneurs is a lack of guidance. Although a variety of resources are available on the internet at the click of a button, it is very important for an entrepreneur to be guided by the right experts in moving in the right direction

This often results in aspirants becoming increasingly clueless in taking their million-dollar ideas forward and getting just the right amount of finances to fund their startups. If you find yourself in the middle of chaos not knowing what to do with your precious business idea, we are more than happy to help you!

How Public Media Solution Solves Your Seed Funding Problem

With Public Media Solution, you can rest assured that all your seed funding problems will be resolved in the best way possible. Being a company that was started with a lot of heart and ambition, we understand the beauty of entrepreneurial dreams and know the pain it takes to get where you want to be.

We help visionary startups in their early stages in getting the much-needed seed funding to finance their journey towards becoming a full-fledged business organization. Our team helps you in building a strong foundation for your new business and focusing on all the right aspects to make it prosper. Our services are not limited to providing you with venture capital for funding your startup. Our approach is wider as we assist you in navigating your business the right way just like a reliable business partner would.

We are determined in helping your business take the shape you always wanted it to take by guiding you through business development. Our professionals help your business get the right guidance and push you to successfully get to the Series A stage of funding, just so that you don’t stop dreaming!

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How Public Media Solution Solves Your Seed Funding Problem

We are waiting for you to connect with us and inspire us with your visionary ideas!

What Is The Concept Of Startup Funding?

What Is The Concept Of Startup Funding?

The concept of startup funding is pretty self-explanatory. It refers to the process involved in getting finances from one or more sources for establishing a startup. There are different sources from which one can get startup funds, based on the amount needed, the specific purpose for which the funds are needed, and the industry to which the startup belongs. The process of getting startup funding is not too simple. It involves the entrepreneur navigating through multiple stages of funding before the startup is up and running.

Stages Of Startup Funding

This is the stage where the entrepreneur gets the ideas for starting their business and they have just started to work on manifesting the same. Here, the amount of finances needed is really small because no major development is taking place.

For the pre-seed stage, you can resort to bootstrapping, borrow money from friends or family, or make use of the money won from a business/pitching event to get the funding you need.

Once you are ready with a strong prototype of your startup and are looking for further development, you enter the seed stage. Here, you are surer and clearer about your startup and where you want to take it. In the seed stage, entrepreneurs are looking to validate the demand for the product/service they want to provide through their startup. This is commonly called “Proof of Concept (PoC)”. This is nothing but a preparation to validate the business before the big market launch.

The seed stage of funding involves conducting field trials, testing the product/service on a few prospects, working on the constructive feedback, onboarding core staff members, and building a formal team to handle multiple operations. This is the funding stage where we come in and guide you in taking your business to the next stage.

You enter the Series A funding stage where your startup is finally up and running. Here, your products or services have been successfully launched in the market and you have started getting early traction.

In this stage, the importance of key performance indicators like revenue, app downloads, leads generates, conversions, etc. increases while they determine the further growth of your business. Funds at this stage are needed to expand your business and take it to new heights.

The most common funding sources at this stage include venture capital funds, banks/NBFCs, TReDs, and venture debt funds.

Also called the scaling stage, this is the funding stage where your startup has caught on to the desired momentum and is showing handsome growth in the market. You are now earning enough revenues to hold your own in the industry you operate in. If you are still willing to fund your startup to entering into newer avenues, you can resort to trusted venture capital funds and private equity funds.

This is the stage where your startup has achieved the status of a full-fledged business and you want to take it public. This is the first time your company is listed on the stock market and your shares are available to the public for trading. Here, your shareholders become your key source of funding. If you are dreaming of entering the IPO stage, you need to work hard during the pre-seed and seed stage, making sure that you have an unwavering focus and the suitable assistance to take your business forward.

Initial Public Offer (IPO)
Initial Public Offer

How To Get Seed Funding In India?

Along with the funds needed to prepare your business for the market launch, the sources of seed funding play an important role in the growth of your business.

Three of the most common seed funding sources include:


Crowdfunding is the most simple and direct way of raising funds for the seed stage. It involves a fairly large group of investors putting in a specific sum of money to generate the desired pool of resources.

Here, you need people who really believe in your business and want to see it grow. You can go ahead with crowdfunding for funding the entire or a part of your business, based on your specific needs and preferences.


If you have enough money saved up or an alternative source of income, you can channel your own funds in the form of seed funding. Also called bootstrapping, this funding option provides you with increased flexibility and freedom of making important decisions because you have no one else to answer but yourself.

Venture Capitalists For Seed Funding

If you believe your startup idea is really strong, you can reach out to venture capitalists to fund this crucial stage of your business. Venture capital in India for seed funding involves dedicated individuals or companies who are looking for startups with good potential. If you manage to convince the financers with your business plan, you can get the much-needed financial backing for your business.

Agriculture Startup Funding In India

Most startups pertaining to the field of agriculture are handled by the Government. However, with India being an agrarian economy and hundreds of thousands of people associated with the sector, the scope for agriculture startups in India is immense. Along with helping the commercial startups, our seed funding services focus on helping agriculture startups in establishing new ventures and prospering for the benefit of the country as well. If you have been dreaming of a business that is not letting you sleep, we are all ears! Approach us with your startup ideas and we will help you in getting your business on the floor and create your own niche in the market.

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We are waiting to hear your pitch!

Frequently Asked Questions

Seed funding is the process of getting finances for a startup from the right sources. The seed funding stage refers to the stage where all the ideation is carried out by the entrepreneur and they are looking forward to launch their products or services into the market.

Absolutely! All financial lenders specializing in seed funding make sure that the entire funding process is safe. You enter into a legal contract with your financer to ensure that there is no foul play in the process.

Based on your financial needs, there are several financial sources you can choose for seed funding in India, including:

  • Crowdfunding
  • Self-funding
  • Venture capitalists
  • Angel inventors
  • Business incubators and accelerators
  • Winning business contests
  • Bank loans
  • Loans from NBFCs
  • Government programs

There is no specific period of time that it takes to get seed funding. This often depends on the source you choose for funding your startup. While sources like crowdfunding help you get finances faster, banks take a little longer in approving your loans.
