Top 5 Difference between PR & Advertising

Top 5 Difference between PR & Advertising

Top 5 Difference between PR & Advertising

Advertising & PR are two different components but have important tools as they promote its product & services. 

What is an advertisement?

An advertisement is the promotion of the product or brand & its services to the target audience and gains interest, attraction & gain sales. 

On the other hand, Public Relations have also known as PR it’s a means of communication between an organization and the public, to main a relationship between the potential customers & to cultivate a public image.

Both Advertisement & PR helps to build a brand & create communication between the organization & the public. The difference is that advertisement space is a paid promotion while PR is more organic & earned through media.

Advertisement is creating & producing through paid announcements & promoting it to different types of media.

PR builds connections with the public and promotes key messages to the audiences. 

Here are the top 5 differences between PR & Advertising

1) Paid Vs Free

Advertisement is a paid form of communication where you pay for your ad to be placed in the media. 

PR is an organic form of communication that you develop a plan to feature in the media. They lookout for a positive image in the media, which increases the effectiveness and creates brand awareness

2) Message control

For advertising, you have the control over the media to edit, change or reschedule your content while in PR its kind of gets a little difficult to work on our ways as it depends on the media houses or journalists, or maybe sometimes they won’t update your story. 

3) Duration of the coverage

For advertisement, you may be able to show as many times as the budget allows in the media were in when it comes to PR this is quite an advantage to you as you share your story with different journalists your story would get filtered and post by the journalist which will add a value to your story. 

4) Target Audience

When it comes to targets of an audience advertising & per are most probably very similar because their main agenda is to convey the message to its target audience but the only difference is to convey the messages differently in different mediums

For advertising, the company you have hired for will directly pay to that particular medium where your advertisement is more suitable to your target audience. For PR it is easier to communicate with the target audience through various channels like social media, podcasts, the internet, and so on. 

5) Credibility/Believability

Advertisement has less credibility as most people do not trust everything they say why? because whoever is trying to sell the product is not giving a 100 per cent absurdity well PR is when the message is promoted through third party and media which is why they are far more credible. 


The differences are pretty much easier & simple to understand as the growth of social media or advertisements are never going to stop it has to go on. 

At Public Media Solution we are catered to creating customized strategies for marketing communication for our target audiences. We would love to talk about the services & plans that we have for you to outgrow your business and use it more wisely.

Ravinder Bharti

Blog Admin:
Ravinder Bharti
CEO & Founder - Public Media Solution

About: Ravinder Bharti is the Founder and CEO of Public Media Solution,
a leading marketing, PR, and branding company based in India.


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