PR Agency In India

Public Relations Agency
In India

Our dedicated PR team would assist you in charting out the best PR campaigns with scalable results.

India is one of the biggest markets in the world. Whether you are willing to sell FMCG products, high-end luxuries, or brand an individual celebrity, you will never be short of an audience. However, it has always been important to stand out from the clutter to make your voice heard.With Public Media Solution, you can make the voice of your brand travel far and wide, encouraging the audience to engage with your business.

Top PR Agency In India

Top PR Agency In India

Public Media Solution is one of the best PR agencies in India, helping brands reach out to their audience in the best way possible. Our team of professionals is dedicated to understanding the specific objectives that you are willing to attain and chart out robust PR campaigns. Organizations across the board face the challenge to break the communication barrier due to excessive competition. In India, thousands of brands end up choosing a similar approach to convey their messages to a limited audience.

This makes it difficult for companies to get the traction they desire, despite providing quality offerings to their customers.As a noted PR agency in India, Public Media Solution helps you get an edge over your competitors by highlighting your USPs.

Our PR experts are adept to understand the areas to focus on and the communication tools to use for grabbing the attention of the public. Whether you are willing to address your internal public (employees, shareholders, etc.) or external public (customers, investors, suppliers, etc.), we will help you come up with extensive PR campaigns that provide you with impressive results.

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“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.” – Daniel J. Boorstin

Why PR is Important?

Why PR is Important?

Customers in India have a significantly low retention span. Every day, people are bombarded with dozens of marketing campaigns by multiple brands. Even if your audience has heard of your brand once, they are likely to forget the same in a few days.

PR agencies help you ensure that more and more people are aware of your brand. Skilled PR professionals help you plan strategic communication across multiple platforms to increase awareness about your brand. This helps your audience remember you for a longer period of time.

PR is all about letting the public know the essence of your brand. If you are taking an initiative that is in the interest of your audience, PR helps you propagate the message regarding the same to your existing and potential customers. This helps you increase the value of your brand and encourage more customers to engage with the same

Advertising is a fairly straightforward method of asking your audience to purchase your products or services. It is a more mechanical process with limited scope. On the other hand, PR is a more wholesome process as its scope goes beyond that of advertising. PR involves conveying the core of a brand without directly asking the audience to engage with your business. If carried out effectively, the impact of a PR campaign lingers longer as compared to that of advertising.

The Future Of Public Relations

In a country like India, the prominence and relevance of public relations are only going to increase over time. Whether it is a corporate brand or a celebrity, it is always important to win the confidence of the public for getting desirable traction. Looking at the increasing rate of digitization in all major industries, it is safe to say that the future of public relations is digital. Digital PR has already started gaining popularity among several brands, especially after the COVID crisis. ...

Digital PR allows you to reach out to a much wider audience as the circulation of messages through digital platforms is faster, cheaper, and more effective.

The future of public relations is, therefore, likely to be influenced by digital platforms. Moreover, social media platforms are bound to play an important role in PR campaigns in the years to come. Some of the top PR agencies in India have already started using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn to promote brands through public relations. These platforms are already being used for advertising for several years and are likely to become PR hotspots in the years to come.

“PR is a mix of journalism, psychology, and lawyering – it’s an ever-changing and always interesting landscape.” – Ronn Torossian

The Future Of Public Relations
Media Relations

Our Expertise

Media houses always play an important role in public relations. A lot of PR articles and stories are read by the public because of the credibility of the media house showcasing the same. As your PR agency in India, we help you in getting associated with some of the best media houses in the country to provide your brand with extensive coverage.

These tie-ups will help you reach out to a wide range of audiences and make your messages consumed across the country.

Our PR professionals help you craft engaging and informative press releases to propagate your messages across multiple platforms. We lay emphasis on creativity as it helps your press release to stand out from the clutter and grab maximum eyeballs. Whether you are willing to make an announcement, organize an event, or simply increase the awareness of your brand, we help you chart out press releases based on your specific needs and requirements.

It is common for brands across the country to face unforeseen crises and struggle to come out of the same. These crises may damage the reputation of a brand and cost a company its customers. Being a noted PR agency in India, we help you in dealing with any crisis with effective communication.

Our PR experts are trained in undertaking strategic communication that helps you explain your case to your audience and win their confidence in the most organic way possible. Once you allow us to take the reins of communication into our hands, you can rest assured that we will help you remediate the crisis effectively.

It is always important for an organization to undertake effective communication within and outside the teams. Our PR services include corporate communication services that help you get your messages across in the best way possible.

When it comes to internal communication, we help your managers and team leaders get trained in conveying important messages and making announcements in a professional manner. In the case of external communication, we help your team interact with stakeholders, suppliers, partners, clients, and all other external entities in a professional manner. Through effective corporate communication, you can cast a positive impression on the internal as well as the external public for your organization.

The reputation of a company is one of its most valuable assets. Right from engaging customers to convincing shareholders, the reputation of your business always plays an important role in carrying out a number of processes. As a trusted PR agency in India, we help you in maintaining the hard-earned reputation of your business with the help of online platforms.

Our online reputation management services handle the creation and circulation of messages across multiple digital platforms. Right from making social media posts to creating targeted marketing campaigns, our PR professionals help you in managing your reputation in the market and promote the value of your brand.

Our digital PR services help you in spreading your messages and telling your story across multiple digital platforms. Right from the circulation of online press releases to writing blogs and articles to promote your brand, we help you make the most of online platforms to provide you with the traction you desire.

Our digital PR services are also dedicated to helping your website rank high on the search engine results pages through seamless search engine optimization. Our digital marketing experts help you in leveraging the image and value of your brand by incorporating PR activities through digital platforms.



PR provides you with a more holistic approach as compared to other marketing tools. It allows you to tell compelling stories about your brand instead of directly asking the customers to make purchases. Moreover, PR can be seamlessly clubbed with any other marketing tool to help you promote your brand, reach out to your target audience, and encourage them to engage with your brand in an organic manner.

PR agencies in India charge on the basis of the requirements of the clients. PR is a vast field and includes an array of different services, such as reputation management, crisis management, celebrity management, media relations, and much more. PR agencies in India charge their clients according to the services they are willing to avail themselves of. At Public Media Solution, we would provide you with an ideal package that is in sync with your budgetary requirements and the services you are looking for. You can rest assured that you will obtain services that would add to the value of your brand.

Just like most PR agencies in the country, we do not provide a standard guarantee for the traction to be received from a PR campaign. The success of a PR campaign depends on several factors, some of which are not under our direct control. However, you can go through the testimonials of our clients to ascertain the impact of our PR campaigns. Fortunately, we hold an excellent track record of providing our clients with a handsome return on investment in all the projects that we have worked on.

Public relations help your business in spreading messages and making important announcements in the interest of the public. Through effective public relations, you can build a favorable image of your brand in the public and increase its awareness in the market. It allows you to communicate better with your audience and persuade them to engage with your brand across multiple platforms. Even if you provide quality products or services to your clients, you need PR to let the public know about the same.

Social media is one of the most important tools for digital PR. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn allow brands to reach out to their audience and engage with them effectively. Moreover, social media platforms allow the public to interact directly with brands, making the entire experience more intimate as compared to other marketing tools. In the days to come, social media platforms will become major hotspots for publishing PR content.

A press release is an official document created by an organization to inform media houses and/journalists about specific events that need to be covered on specific media platforms. The intent of writing a press release is to invite media houses to cover a specific event or help the concerned brand propagate specific messages to the public.

A press release is an important tool to approach renowned media houses and/or journalists in order to obtain decent media coverage. It helps you circulate your messages on multiple platforms with the help of noted media houses.

Yes, a digital marketing agency can provide PR services (especially digital PR). This is because both activities coincide in multiple ways. Both digital marketing and PR involve the creation of unique and engaging content to publish on multiple platforms. The ultimate goal of PR and digital marketing is to reach out to the target audience and encourage them to engage with your brand in an organic manner.

“PR means telling the truth and working ethically – even when all the media want is headlines and all the public wants is scapegoats. Public relations fails when there is no integrity.” – Viv Segal
