Press release – It’s Benefits and why is it worth it

Press release – It’s Benefits and why is it worth it

Press release – It’s Benefits and why is it worth it

press release is a document that tells the story of an event or achievement. These text-based announcements are used to keep people informed about events and achievements in the company. Press release requires certain standards for it to be valid. The first is that it must be written in clear, concise and to-the-point language. It is also important that the press release be published on a website where there are no technical problems. It is vital for the company to inform all media in writing what the new product is and how hugely it will impact their business as compared to any other kind of publicity.

A press release differs from a press conference because the former has a smaller number of people attending, whereas the latter requires a bigger group of people to provide information. This is because a press conference might have several journalists covering a company, whereas a press release has only had one journalist. This makes writing the press release easier for the journalist because he or she is not expected to provide as many details as he or she would in an official press conference.

A press release can be used to announce all sorts of things including new products, sales figures, awards won by the company or if it is a public relations event. If an event takes place, then it must be announced in writing so that people know about it and will come to see what it is. It will make people take notice of what the company has achieved and will encourage them to come back for more information.

The key aim behind getting a press release done is to get as much information about a product, service or event into the public eye as possible. This is what will make people want to come and see it for themselves. The more that is said in the press release, the more appealing it becomes to readers.

A press release will have several sections including an introduction, a body and a closing. The introduction gives basic information about the product or service being advertised and should include the name of the company involved in promoting it. In this section, it should also be mentioned where and when any events are taking place so that people can easily attend them if they choose to do so.

Let’s get started with some valuable benefits of a press release.

Exposure to reach mass audience Press releases give you a boundless exposure since the readership of the publication is huge. This drive in immense traffic to your business and make you look “out of the box”. Press releases are more effective as well as more reliable when it comes to gaining credibility from your target audience. The assigned publications are well known and are trustworthy, therefore getting your release published brings your brand to the green light.

Clear Message of Brand Positioning

When your audience reads about the initiatives taken by you as a brand, they tend to relate to you and consider your brand to be one of it’s kind which draws lots of focus on the reasons why your brand should be chosen over other similar brands in the market. It is safe to say that brands like Colgate or McD are synonyms for the products and services that they provide. This is one of the results of having enough information out in the public. Press releases help you to leave a mark on the market and it positions your brand above others in the market.

Establish a relationship with the media

Press releases help you connect with the media by forming a rapport with the leading publications. This turns your brand into a known figure in the media hubs which opens doors for investor relationship building. Believe it or not, this is a key factors why you should not hold back your urge to get a press release out.

Helps a lot in SEO ranking

In the digital era, a business does need online presence, it is one of the musts. Press releases help you boost your SEO ranking. Releases in publications bring your websites to the top during a google search. Its the most organic way of making your website rank to the top.

Increase traffic

Press Releases help you increase traffic to the website by redirecting the audience to visit your site. Increased traffic results in boosting the website rank for your business which co relates to an increase in sales.

Helps people to understand the brand voice

Press release sends loud and clearer message to the target audience which is a crucial factor that any brand would be looking for. The vision of a brand is what draws loyal customers towards buying the products and services. It places your brand as an expert in your particular industry which leads in increasing sales potential.


Many people live in an assumption that press release are over the budget for a brand. Let’s get our facts right that it is defiantly the most cost effective way to push the company presence in the market. It creates an authenticity to your brand and makes you the leader of the particular industry in your budget. Press releases are the cheapest medium to spread the goodwill to the public.

Louder and clearer message to target audience

Press releases reaches out to the mass which helps in creating the right impression to your set of customers, also known as target audience. With press releases, you can be relax and wait for the show to get started. A huge impression is made on the target by a news release in a trustworthy publication. The value of this is immense.

Sends good signal to Google

Google has defined crawlers that visit your website the more frequently it is updated. The more frequent the crawlers visit, the better is the value of the website. Press releases add on to the website which results into an automated boost in terms of both traffic and positioning. This results in google placing your website in top keyword searches.

Wider distribution of news

Press releases in high end publications not only do target your niche audience but also helps in building new ones. With the goodwill of your organization, a reputation of your brand is created which helps drawing new customers towards your brand. This helps in the growth of your organization since many of the times, these readers are investors as well as fundraiser. Hence, a release holds the potential to give your business the boom that you would not want to let go.

Increases sales potential

Last but not the least, press releases help you increase sales for your company which is the end of the funnel for any business. Press releases have a power to give your business a 360 degree turn when it comes to the numbers. So wait no more, go get your release out today! India’s leading press release distributions services.

Ravinder Bharti

Blog Admin:
Ravinder Bharti
CEO & Founder - Public Media Solution

About: Ravinder Bharti is the Founder and CEO of Public Media Solution,
a leading marketing, PR, and branding company based in India.


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